Facebook app password


Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
USA, Kentucky
I've been searching for an answer, but as yet I'm coming up blank. Facebook has forced me to change my password several times lately due to hackers in other countries trying to access my account. I can't find any way to update the password in the droid facebook app, short of logging out. The problem with that: It removes all facebook data from contacts, and that is a pain because I've had to manually join at least half of them.

Am I just overlooking something simple, or is logout the only way to change the password in the facebook app?
Basically yes, you logout and then in again.

Are you sure you are just receiving malware emails?

My FB account is tied to my live.com addy, lately thru my Droid, I've received not more than 7 pathetic attempts. These emails tell me I have to change my FB logon, when in fact there is nothing wrong, and the attachments are blocked on my clients.

Just crap, and I've forwarded them to FB abuse as well.
No, I go to log onto the facebook site from my comp, and I get an alert that they see my account had a recent access attempt from a comp they don't recognize. I click to show me, and its been New Zealand, the Netherlands, etc. So I click that no, I don't recognize it, it asks my security questions, and then forces a password change.

Having to logout of the droid app is a pain, like I said, because I then have to manually rejoin about half my facebook contacts with my phone contacts.
Same thing happened to me yesterday and now while I can log on to my FB on my laptop my Incredible says it doesn't recognize my sign in and password. How to I fix that?
I had the same thing happen, I keep getting an alert in my drop down
menu wanting me to enter my password. Is there any way to block that
I finally got it fixed. I deleted the FB programs from my Incredible and the downloaded it again... signed on with my sign in and it seemed to fix it...
Facebook security issue on Android

Has anyone heard about the security issue with the latest Facebook app for android? I read a few postings in another forum about the lastest Facebook app which has instant chat, that possibly allows hackers to collect important information you type on your Android phone like passwords, account information, phone numbers along with other important data and possibly accessing your camera which is scary. Just for peace of mind, I decided to downgrade to the earlier version of Facebook for Android which does not have the chat option. There were also other incidents of hackers getting and changing passwords of users facebook accounts.