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Extremely slow texting...


New Member
Hi, I'm new to the whole Droid stuff, but I got a good bit of computer knowledge under my belt. Anyways, when I use my Droid X to send texts, sometimes the letter inputs will be EXTREMELY slow or it will go trigger happy and type a million letters at once when I try to type anything. I got Advanced Task Killer running so all I got to do is lock and unlock my phone and it will kill w/e apps are running to free up some space. Sometimes that does the trick to fix the slowness issue when typing, but other times ATK seems to just kill texting all together. Idk if it's a screen sensitivity issue or if it's a service/app running that's killing my phone. Guessing more of a service. Idk, I'm lost. I've done 2 factory resets now and it'll work for the 1st couple hrs or so, but then it starts doing the same thing and starts lagging when texting.

My buddy has a Droid X, and it works wonderfully. No lag issues at all and it picks up every little screen touch. Hell you don't even have to fully touch the screen and it'll pick it up. lol. But the whole reason I bought a DX was because I had a Blackberry Storm, and that experience was a horrible 2 years I'd rather not re-live in a DX. lol. Should I just get a replacement phone and see if that'll fix my issue, or is there a quick fix to my problem out there?
First thing to do is uninstall ATK...especially with any kind of "auto kill". Android already has a task manager and that will just hurt you in the long run. If you have an anti-virus app, uninstall that too.
As far as your lag goes, what messaging app are you using? Stock? Handcent? Chomp? How often do you reboot your phone? Do you use the home button or back button to exit applications?

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums app (free in market)
Oh alright. Only reason I had ATK on my phone was b/c like everyone at Verizon told me it's a necessity to have ATK cause the task manager doesn't kill all the extra bloatware apps that'll run automatically in the background. But I'll give it a shot. Yea I don't have an anti-virus app.
I was using the stock texting app. That was giving me the most trouble. Then I read on another forum about Handcent, and I just started trying to use that. It's only been like a day or 2, but Handcent doesn't seem to lag as much. It has lagged on me 2-3 times, but not near as often as the stock txting thing did, which was almost every time I went to text.
I don't reboot my phone too often. Don't really see the need to unless my phone is just acting up WAY too much. And 90% of the time I just use the back button to exit out of apps. I only use the home button as the exit button if I'm in a hurry to do something.
They can be used to end tasks that are freezing but auto kills are a no no. Its a good practice to power cycle your device once or twice a day. These things have become more and more like computers and need a reboot to perform at their peak. If you leave a PC running 24/7, it'll start freezing up too. Most of the reps at Verizon are morons when it comes to technology honestly and don't know the first thing about Linux systems.
The problem with using the home button vs the back button is that it will leave the program open and running. Using back will leave it open in case you go back to it but it will get shut down after it hasn't been used for x amount of time.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums app (free in market)
Ah ok, gotcha. Well like I said, I'll give that a try and let you know how it goes. Idk how well that'll work tho w/ how my DX has been acting, but it's worth a shot at this point...
Lol wow ok so I uninstalled ATK and rebooted my phone, and now it's just beyond the point of slow. It takes about 1-5 seconds per touch on an icon or when scrolling for it to respond, and it when does register my inputs it overly clicks it or scrolls WAY past what I'm trying to get to. I put ATK back on there and now it runs decently. There's gotta be app somewhere that's just murdering my memory/CPU usage at random times.
Bump/Update (sorry it's been awhile. lol)

So I found an app that monitors my total memory & free memory left & all that on the market (Memory Booster Lite). My memory on the phone when it's running at it's best is right around 270,000,000 bytes free memory (also after all apps have been killed). However, as minutes go by it drops about 2,000,000+ bytes per minute idle, and about triple the memory and speed at which the memory is lost when I'm active on my phone clicking on things and texting and such till it gets to about 60,000,000 bytes free memory, then everything freezes. The only way for me to fix the freeze is to lock & unlock my phone, then it'll work for about 10 seconds then freeze again until I can kill all my apps again using the Memory Booster app. However, if I click the home button or back button, those buttons work. Anything I try to access using the touch screen tho is completely non-responsive.

Obviously my phone has a memory leak somewhere, and I cannot find it. This is also after a fresh phone wipe and even after the 2.2.1 update. I figured the update "might" fix this memory leak, but it sadly didn't.

Any idea what I can do to maybe fix the leak before I try to take it to Verizon to just get me an entirely new Droid X?
Hav u tried uninstalling all apps u hav dwnldd , then factory reset? My sis runs droid x stock and it was chock full of issues til I started there...I havnt had any prob with atk, set to auto register and register all.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
First thing I would do is uninstall all downloaded apps...everything, especially any apps that you use to "kill" apps. Task killers/app killers/anti virus apps are not needed, and sometimes cause more problems than they actually "cure".

Once you get back to a "naked" Droid X, I would then slowly, 1 at a time, start adding apps back and use the phone as you would normally. If and when you load an app and the phone starts to "freak out", then you know you have found your culprit...and can then uninstall it and continue on installing apps and checking the phone after each install. It is very likely you have an app that is somewhat corrupted and its causing the issues...
About the factory reset...

Obviously my phone has a memory leak somewhere, and I cannot find it. This is also after a fresh phone wipe and even after the 2.2.1 update. I figured the update "might" fix this memory leak, but it sadly didn't.

So yea, I've tried that. Numerous times actually. Even on just factory settings and no apps installed other than what comes on it, memory still seems to disappear into thin air. This has been happening ever since I got my phone, and I was hoping it was just an app I could uninstall, but well sadly I can't uninstall all the other bloatware crap that comes on this phone unless I root it I suppose. :sad:
And also I've turned of my GPS & WiFi, cleaned out my emails/txts, and I've even went as far as trying to disable the background data in the Data Delivery settings. Nothing works. :icon_frown:
This really seems like a bummer of a problem, especially since you came from a Storm. I know first hand the memory issues there. It does seem like your DX isn't working right. I have never had this kind of problem. If you don't want to try and get a replacement phone (personally I would because it shouldn't be that laggy), and you don't want to root to get rid of that bloatware (it does help), there are a couple of things I would try.

Some of this you may have already done because your posts indicate you have a pretty good understanding of troublshooting tech issues.

Try using a wallpaper other than a Live wallpaper and get rid of all your widgets on your homescreen. Then add widgets one at a time like BodyBagz suggested with your downloaded apps. If you can't find the culprit that way you can try an app called Watchdog that will monitor your memory and CPU usage and alert you when either reaches a warning level. It will also tell you which app caused the alert. There is a free (Lite) and paid version. I use the Lite and it works great. This is much better than using a task killer imho.

Also coming from a BB you are used to memory leaks and battery pulls and not running a bunch of apps to keep your memory up. The Android OS being a Linux OS works differently. You should check out the posts in BodyBagz signature, they give a lot of good info on task killers on Android phones:

Android Task Killers Explained: What They Do and Why You Shouldn't Use Them

Task Killers... The Answer from Google & Developers.

Hope I was able to give some advise that you haven't already tried, and hope even more that you are able to fix the problem. Good Luck!
Sounds like you may have goten a lemon. I would go trade it at verizon.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Looks like good advice, I will stop my auto task killer and see wasup. Though I'm not the one lookin for help, learning is always a good thing!

Two hours later:
WOW! Here's the thing, my phone didn't have any real issues to start and still does not,but I started reading the forum and learned of possible improvement. I hav automatic task killer and it does appear to save battery... launcher pro then sped me up in some areas, then apex brought much improvement.
I didn't realize that not using the task killer would offer so much more speed!! Hope the battery is still acceptable, bcuz the performance increase is quite tasteful!
Sounds like you may have goten a lemon. I would go trade it at verizon.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Yea I think I got a lemon too. But I went to Verizon today and got them to overnight me a new DX. I hope this one works! *crosses fingers*
I'll let ya'll know when I get it.
Wow yes I def had a lemon. My new Droid X came in this morning, and it's ran amazingly for 16 hrs straight now. Lol. I've tried to make my new one go slow by downloading all kinds of apps on the market, and it's yet to even begin to bog down. I don't even have ATK or any other task killer installed! All I can say is "A-freakin'-mazing!" I have a new found love for my DX now. dancedroid

Thanks all of you who attempted to help me fix my issue. I greatly appreicate the help!