We wanted to share a new idea with you guys that could become a regular DroidForums exclusive. We intend to reach out to our contacts in the app developer community, and do a specialized email interview with each of them.
The unique angle is that instead of us asking the questions, we will post a thread before-hand in which we let you guys know who we are interviewing, then you guys post the questions that you would like answered. Our editorial staff will pick the most unique and interesting 10-12 questions from the bunch, and send them to the developer. Once we get them back, we will post your very own personal interview Q&A article for everyone to share.
At first, this will be an experiment to see how much you guys like it, and how quickly the process takes with the developers. If it ends up being a good idea and doable, we may make it a regular monthly, or bi-weekly feature. Also, in each new thread, feel free to comment on which developers you would like to see interviewed, and we will try and do those first. Furthermore, we want to mix it up by having direct interviews with our forum members that are developers. If there is a particular developer on the site that you would like to hear from, then please let us know in the thread.
For our first experimental interview, we were lucky enough to score a contact with none-other than the amazing "Angry Birds" developers themselves, Rovio! So, let's get this thing kicked off... start posting your questions. We will be taking questions until Monday of next week, and then we will sift through them to send off to Rovio. Thanks for participating!