exchange email


Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
anyone get their exchange email working?

i had it working on the droid1 with the "email" app, but this "mail" app isnt working with the activesync.
keeps saying authentication failed. username/password incorrect. but it is.
anyone get their exchange email working?

i had it working on the droid1 with the "email" app, but this "mail" app isnt working with the activesync.
keeps saying authentication failed. username/password incorrect. but it is.

Make sure you type it correct. Server Address is machine name, not domain name. Domain is just domain without a machine name (No www. or email. at the begining). User name is just the user name without the domain\ in front of it.

If your server requires SSL, make sure that is checked. If it doesn't require, make sure it is not checked. Be sure the server's SSL settings in Active Sync are correct. Is Active Sync even set up?

Trust works. If you're getting this error it is because the server is not configured correct or you are typing the settings incorrectly or you do not have a good data connection.

thanks i figured it out. for some reason i had to put the old email address in..but my old droid accepted the newer email address. maybe it didnt like that the new email address didnt match the server address?
There are numerous issues with android and syncing to exchange servers. I wish they would get that fixed, it's frustrating that you have to type things different on different android vs's to get the same result. I work in IT management and i hate having to play with settings everytime i am trying to program a different phone for someone. This is something that should be standard.