Estrongs File Explorer FTP


New Member
Mar 8, 2010
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I'm having difficulty connecting to my home ftp server when using Estrongs ftp. I keep getting the following error: "login failure try new user name/password." I'm using Serv-U as my ftp server. I set up a user and password set the default folder to a folder shared in windows (windows 7 ultimate). In estrongs I entered the server ip, default listening port, user and password and keep getting that error. I'm somewhat of a newbie to ftp...not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Check your Firewall

You may need to set Windows Firewall (or whatever firewall you are using) to allow the FTP port to pass through. Sorry, I am stuck back on Vista x64 so I do not know the Windows 7 settings to use. Perhaps someone else knows.