Email help


New Member
Mar 1, 2010
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i have comcast email and i have set it up to my phone but i get emails from mouths ago i read on the cpu and i have emails coming to my phone dated 12/31/1961 email wasnt out then but im getting anoid by this someone help
i have comcast email and i have set it up to my phone but i get emails from mouths ago i read on the cpu and i have emails coming to my phone dated 12/31/1961 email wasnt out then but im getting anoid by this someone help

I've seen this problem with 1969, not 1961. Problem is I never seem to get a good answer. Try going to the phones date and time settings and manually setting them yourselves. Also make sure you have your email mapped properly on gmail from your comcast server.

Others have reported that turning the phone off for a full 5 minutes work.

Good luck.
i have also had verizon reset my phone and everything nothing works
POP3 sucks on our android phones. Check the sig and star the issue. Some have had better luck with a program called K9. For me, it sucked just as much as the default app. It constantly told me i had new mail when it was some old **** i had read before. Another app that some use is maildroid. I would not even think of recommending this one. It is extremely slow and actually deleted a lot of email from my hotmail account without me telling it to.
k9 is working right now soo we will see thanks for ur help