Ear Position


Active Member
Jul 25, 2010
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I have been noticing that its kind of annoying to put my ear on the phone in a phone call. i found out that its slightly better to put my ear down a bit. what i do is i put the center of my ear directly on the speaker, like i assume a normal person would do :D. I know all ears are different but still...

Where do you guys position your ear? and do you find it annoying at all?
What i do is lick my phone and stick it to my face. makes it easier to do my job. plus i just look cool with a phone stuck on my face
What i do is lick my phone and stick it to my face. makes it easier to do my job. plus i just look cool with a phone stuck on my face

I'm not the only one....

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Where do you guys position your ear? and do you find it annoying at all?

I had my ears positioned one to a side quite a long time ago and have left them so positioned ever since. I refuse to have even one repositioned just for a cell phone!! I would suggest that you try repositioning your phone rather than your ear. One involves surgery and one doesn't. Take the easy way and avoid the surgery!!! :D