duplicate emails



I keep receiving duplicate emails. I'll receive an email and read it or delete it right away depending what it is and then a little while later I land up receiving the same email again. Anyone know the reason for this?
What email account is this with?

Is it in the GMail application or in the stock email application?

Exchange server?

Need more details.
It's with the stock email application and using my verizon.net email account.
Same issue for me, with Verizon. And not just one time I will get the same email over and over.
Same here. Using Verizon. Erase an email, and it comes back. I had one email come back maybe 3-5 times.


It's a problem with the verizon network email- it's known.

Usually when an email is forwarded to your phone (using an email program), you delete it and it (in lament terms) notifies your email account that a message in your inbox has been deleted and it deletes it from your actual email. Same goes for reading emails. If you use gmail and open your gmail on your computer and your Droid, then delete an email on your droid it will take 3-5 seconds to show as deleted on your Gmail on your computer.

The problem with Verizon is the Droid phones are having problems relaying a message to your Verizon email that this email has been read and deleted. Essentially when you delete the email off your phone it doesn't delete properly off your email and your phone thinks, "hey, there's a new email in the inbox" and resends it to you.

Update should fix this, or so I believe or it could be a firewall issue on Verizon's part.
using regulare email

I am having the same problem with my emails and I'm not using Verizon I am using a POP3 account and I read them and then delete them for them to come back even a month later.

How can we fix this?
I had the same problem using POP3 also.Downloaded K-9 mail program and have never had the problem again.:)
I had the same problem using POP3 also.Downloaded K-9 mail program and have never had the problem again.:)

This, or you can forward your email to gmail (I don't think Verizon people can do this).

Problem with that idea is it's delivered very slowly. So K9 is probably best bet.
Selecting emails to delete on Incredible

You know how on the Moto Droid you can select/check off emails and then delete all that are checked? Can that be done on the Incredible?
I get this on the Droid too, using Windows Live mail. I simply selected the option to delete emails from the server and it doesn't do it anymore.