Hey guys. I've been reading on all these forums for a while and am definitely learning a lot. So thanks for all the input. I still have a question though. I currently have a rooted DROID x2. While playing around I accidently deleted some bloatware instead of freezing them.....I hit the wrong button lol. So I know I can indoor the phone, I already have the sbf android 2.2.2 for the x2, and rsdlite. However, I am stuck on exactly how to flash the x2 with the sbf. Alot I have been reading is only for the x. How do I use rsdlite on the x2? Also, say I flash the phone back to the stock, get rid of root, etc.... is there anyway that verizon would be able to tell I did all this? Thanks for all the previous and further advice! 
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Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums