Hi all. Old fart lurker here, my first post. Need a bit of help, please.
I managed to root my x2 on 2.3.3. Been using TI backup to freeze apps and trim down the bloat. After a couple of weeks without problems, using File Explorer, I started adding ".bak" to some of the bloat apks (in the system/apps folder) because a couple of them like DLNA were still running. I renamed "Home" something. As soon as I did, it immediately put the service/app into force close loop. Couldn't find a way to undo the rename or stop the loop, so I pulled the battery for a reboot. Now the phone will boot to the droid eye, and hang there. Its not a freeze because the eye is still animating. In hindsight I shoulda trusted my instincts... that something with "Home" in the title would be important, but I thought I saw it posted on a list of safe apks to freeze/delete.
Is there any way I can undo the rename? Or, just reinstall this apk from a backup? I'm positive if I could just remove the ".bak" from this apk, the phone would be fine.
I have a full TI backup on the sd card and in my dropbox as well. I have the X2 SBF on my computer, or at least it was posted and linked as the X2 SBF. Also have RSD Lite and the Moto drivers.
Thanks much!
I managed to root my x2 on 2.3.3. Been using TI backup to freeze apps and trim down the bloat. After a couple of weeks without problems, using File Explorer, I started adding ".bak" to some of the bloat apks (in the system/apps folder) because a couple of them like DLNA were still running. I renamed "Home" something. As soon as I did, it immediately put the service/app into force close loop. Couldn't find a way to undo the rename or stop the loop, so I pulled the battery for a reboot. Now the phone will boot to the droid eye, and hang there. Its not a freeze because the eye is still animating. In hindsight I shoulda trusted my instincts... that something with "Home" in the title would be important, but I thought I saw it posted on a list of safe apks to freeze/delete.
Is there any way I can undo the rename? Or, just reinstall this apk from a backup? I'm positive if I could just remove the ".bak" from this apk, the phone would be fine.
I have a full TI backup on the sd card and in my dropbox as well. I have the X2 SBF on my computer, or at least it was posted and linked as the X2 SBF. Also have RSD Lite and the Moto drivers.
Thanks much!