New Member
Hey everyone. Well I'm a Blackberry convert now using Android and I love it. I have the Droid X and couldn't have been happier, that is until the past few days. I have had the phone a little over a month and the wifi has been working great at home, work and connecting to other places. Currently my Droid X is at 2.2.1 and was working just great. Well starting about 1 or 2 days ago my wifi connection signal has gone to crap. At work I used to get 2-3 bars on wifi constantly and now I am lucky to get any signal at all. I am lucky to get 1 bar but usually it goes disconnected and has a ? I am also having problems at my apartment now where there were never any problems. I used to get full signal anywhere in there and now I'm lucky to even get 2 while standing 5 feet from the router!!!! Anybody have any thoughts about why this is happening or what can be done to resolve it? It's really annoying not having this at work, 7 story building makes 3G basically worthless. Thank you all in advance for your help