Droid X Major Issues


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
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I just purchased the Droid X four days ago. For the first two and a half days I couldn't have been happier with the phone. By the second half of the third day the phone was so bogged down and lagging out so bad I couldn't even type a text message. I barely put any apps on it. I tried an app killer but that did nothing for the phone. I deleted all the apps and it started working somewhat better but not perfect. I didn't download any bad content so what is going on? Did anyone else have this problem right after buying their phone? When I hit the "home" button it takes about thirty seconds to go back to the home screen. Is it a faulty phone or is the Droid X a huge piece of crap? Any help I can get would be great.

Thanks to everyone that tried to help. I took the phone into Verizon tonight and it turned out that there was something wrong with it and they replaced the phone. Hopefully this one works better than the last and if not I'll figure something out.
Yes, it's all the bloatware from VZW. You should root, and get rid of it all.

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How do I do that? Sorry, I'm not quite tech savvy. Also, if I do that and it still doesn't work for any reason, will Verizon still take it back?
It needs to be rebooted every day or so. The "bloatware" does not cause the phone to bog down. If you don't use the bloatware, it's not in-play.

Go look at the battery use stats and see what it says is consuming the battery, because those are the apps that are actively running and consuming your cpu cycles. Get rid of any Task Killers, ad blockers or anti-virus apps that you may have loaded. Try a different home screen/launcher app. Try Launcher Pro, ADW, Zeam. You will likely find one or more of those that gives you better results than the native launcher.

Here's a search that has some good threads to read:

Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum - Search Results
It needs to be rebooted every day or so. The "bloatware" does not cause the phone to bog down. If you don't use the bloatware, it's not in-play.

Go look at the battery use stats and see what it says is consuming the battery, because those are the apps that are actively running and consuming your cpu cycles. Get rid of any Task Killers, ad blockers or anti-virus apps that you may have loaded. Try a different home screen/launcher app. Try Launcher Pro, ADW, Zeam. You will likely find one or more of those that gives you better results than the native launcher.

Here's a search that has some good threads to read:

Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum - Search Results

+1 for rebooting every day or so. This should help everything run smoother. If it does not look into rooting, but do your research before you think about doing it and yes, it will void your warranty but there are tons of helpful folks on this forum willing to help out if you run into problems.

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Yes, it's all the bloatware from VZW. You should root, and get rid of it all.
-1 on this. I've had mine unrooted since purchase and have not removed anything yet it runs as fast as the day I turned it on for the first time. I've also installed 84 apps so far and none of them slow the phone down at all.

These smart phones are a lot like PDAs of the past, particularly Palm Pilots, in that they only run what they need to at the time and unload apps that are not being actively used. Sure, there are some that run continuously but they may be poorly written or have a setting you can change to get them to behave better.

But if you have never used any of the pre-loaded bloatware they probably aren't the culprit.

I think I've had my phone on for the last 5 days or so and it's still responsive. No lag at all and I've been using Skyfire, Dolphin, and stock browsers, used the built in social networking app for Facebook updates, played several games and made a few calls. Running just fine....
No Lag here at all, not Rooted and using Launcher Pro...
Is it still happening?

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-1 also on the need to reboot every couple of days. Stock - not rooted... I have about 90 APPS (many are huge). My phone runs just a little slower than it did the day I got it, but that is to be expected when you have a 16 gig card half full.

Get rid of anything that does APP killing, or anti-virus as stated before. They actually degrade performance.

What is your performance setting set to in your settings menu?
Although you may be running a Stock X with no problems, doesn't mean that everyone's phone is the same. Even when it comes to rooting and removing bloat, it will vary from person to person because EVERY phone is different. Even though they all have the same hardware etc, they are different to how things run and what they can, and cannot handle.
The bloatware will NOT slow the phone down that much. My wife's X is bone stock and she NEVER reboots it and it has yet to have that slow boggy type issue. I would try rebooting once a day and if that doesn't work do a factory reset. If that doesn't work and its not hacked take it back and get it replaced..
The bloatware will NOT slow the phone down that much. My wife's X is bone stock and she NEVER reboots it and it has yet to have that slow boggy type issue. I would try rebooting once a day and if that doesn't work do a factory reset. If that doesn't work and its not hacked take it back and get it replaced..

This is absolutely correct.

You guys that are rooted claiming it's the bloatware, do you really understand what rooting is and how the Droid works? If you understood how Droid uses it's memory you wouldn't make such outrageous statements. Don't forget the vast majority of people who own an X don't even have a clue as to what rooting is and don't have problems. There is nothing wrong with rooting, but it is not the final solution to every issue.