Droid X Custom Boot Logo I'll create

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Sorry guys, been busy and haven't been on forums the last couple days. I'll try to get these done tonight.

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Sorry guys, been busy and haven't been on forums the last couple days. I'll try to get these done tonight.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

no problems man. You're doing us a favor and taking time out of you're day. We work around your schedule not the other way around.
Sorry guys, been busy and haven't been on forums the last couple days. I'll try to get these done tonight.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

no problems man. You're doing us a favor and taking time out of you're day. We work around your schedule not the other way around.


Thanks for your time to do these.
I did see the original m is in the beginning of this thread somewhere

Sent From my Rooted, Deodexed, and Themed DROIDX
Right, but the original M is the white and black logo. So if I even changed back to that one to take the phone to verizon or something, but I was running Gingerbread on the phone, then they would know I did something. That's why we need the new logo they are using for GB, the red and white logo.

Awesome! Thanks alot buddy! I appreciate it! I'm trying to learn how to do these on my own. I can do everything except reverse the hex code. I have Mac and Linux but not Windows, and I can't seem to find a hex editor that will alow me to reverse the order of bytes. :angry: