Droid X Camera not working


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
Somewhere on this amazing ball of creation!
OK Guys, Let me start off by saying that it does get on my nerves when people ask a question without researching first! ;-) So... I've researched a lot on this topic and still no help.

Heres the problem, I have a DX with CM7 and the camera's not working. I know it's not the fact that you need the camera fix because I've installed that and the torch does work, but the camera still doesn't. It all started on Liberty, I thought it was a Liberty problem but when I switched over to CM7 it still wasn't working. I know it not a hardware issue because it does work on stock, and it has worked once on CM, so I thought the problem was solved, but then I opened it up again, and it was back to not working. I know the shutter's not stuck because I can see the lens. Any help would be appreciated! I love my X for the camera and I'm always seeing good pictures and haven been able to capture them... =/
As simple as my answer may be, and not saying anything about your intelligence, but have you fixed permissions yet?

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
I wish it was that simple but no, that doesn't help! : P I forgot to mention what the actual problem was in the above post. It's not that the camera doesn't open or FCs it's that the screen is blank. I can see all the buttons, I can click them, they rotate with the phone, no FCs. It's just that the screen is blank and all the other apps that use the camera are blank as well. =/