Droid X App Help


New Member
Jun 21, 2011
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I'm not sure if this goes in this section, but it seemed to fit here in the Droid X section. I want to create an app that is a forum but have no idea how to. Can someone please tell me how to, point me the way, or something? I am definitely new to this. I have a Droid X obviously and know there may be a few issues to app making than if using other smartphones. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Um an app isn't something that's easy to do ur going to need to learn a few programming languages which will take a long time then to make a forum is going to be very difficult as well. The project u mentioned is honestly not something u would want to do as ur first project u need to start small and start learning some programing languages java is what u'll use to write the app for the most part but it's a tough language for most people so i'd recommend learning something like bash and then moving on to java xml sql etc

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Ok, I make forums all the time. Complicated forums. So this that part is a done deal. All I need is some help with the help part, not a lecture telling me how much of a baby I am. I'm a college graduate in education. I just need to know how to make an app. And I know how to insert code, etc., etc. Issues I have are many places don't tell me proper places to get these codes, where to place these codes, etc. I did have App Inventor earlier, but needed some code placed in, but none of the directions I could find anywhere could tell me where to place the code, only how to.
As said, I just need help with this, not someone who is trying to call me an uneducated moron. I am uneducated in the field of app making, but not in forum making. I am not a moron, or altogether uneducated (thus the fact I graduated with high honors from private university). So please do not patronize me. I am only seeking help. :smile:
Well i apologize i wasn't trying to insult you in anyway it's just i've seen a lot of people who post how do i make this ridiculous app as their first app and it's not something people can just do and you said you were new to all of this so it sounded a lot like you didn't know what you were doing.

But regardless making a forum app in the app inventor would probably be pretty hard i don't really think that thing is that great yet since you know some code and all i would recommend installing eclipse and getting it set up with the android sdk it will set up your first class and a main.xml as well as strings.xml and a few other things for you so your app will basically be started once you create a project then from there you just start writing in what you want it to do i would recommend looking at that just because i don't believe a forum app is going to be made very well in the app inventor but i haven't really used that since i live in eclipse ha but here are a few links to get you started writing apps

Android-er: EditTextPreference

definately look at this one maybe not the link but the dev guide is very helpful
List View | Android Developers

Android Preferences | Kaloer.com

if you need any help with anything in eclipse and writing feel free to pm or just reply back here with any specific question and i'd be happy to show you but i would definately recommend writing your app in eclipse
Ok, I make forums all the time. Complicated forums. So this that part is a done deal. All I need is some help with the help part, not a lecture telling me how much of a baby I am. I'm a college graduate in education. I just need to know how to make an app. And I know how to insert code, etc., etc. Issues I have are many places don't tell me proper places to get these codes, where to place these codes, etc. I did have App Inventor earlier, but needed some code placed in, but none of the directions I could find anywhere could tell me where to place the code, only how to.
As said, I just need help with this, not someone who is trying to call me an uneducated moron. I am uneducated in the field of app making, but not in forum making. I am not a moron, or altogether uneducated (thus the fact I graduated with high honors from private university). So please do not patronize me. I am only seeking help. :smile:

Way to go "balls off court" for no good reason on someone who was actually trying to decipher what you were asking for...:icon_eek:

You would think with your "Private University" education, you would be able to more adequately and succinctly make your requirements known, instead of people having to try and piece together what they "think" you mean and or want. Notice all the snippets in your post that I put in bold font? I did that because the text is a rather jumbled mess, which is hard to understand. This looks like a patented case of "vomitus keyboarditis"...stop occasionally while typing and proof-read what you have written.

As far as the writing/production of Apps...Google is your friend...app building for android - Google Search

Way to go "balls off court" for no good reason on someone who was actually trying to decipher what you were asking for...:icon_eek:

You would think with your "Private University" education, you would be able to more adequately and succinctly make your requirements known, instead of people having to try and piece together what they "think" you mean and or want. Notice all the snippets in your post that I put in bold font? I did that because the text is a rather jumbled mess, which is hard to understand. This looks like a patented case of "vomitus keyboarditis"...stop occasionally while typing and proof-read what you have written.

As far as the writing/production of Apps...Google is your friend...app building for android - Google Search

Yes, you have a way of pointing out when someone makes a typo or two, and not to mention an obvious spot where my pc lagged. My original post was clear and my reply the reply was not insultive, just frustration at someone who assumed that I'm an idiot at computer lingo. I'm an educator in a high tech society and am constantly having to learn new ways to educate and motivate students. App building is just a new route I wanted to go. Other things, including forum building, I have been doing for years. So please do not bash me as I did not bash anyone else.
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Yes like i said i didn't mean to bash anyone or insult anyone but like i said there are a lot of people with absolutely no coding knowledge that just randomly say how can i make this ridiculous app and think they can do it in a few days and when you say i'm definately new to all of this it made me think you were just another one of them you never said in the op that you were experienced in any type of coding.

Regardless since that is a pointless fight just start learning java it is a very documented language for instance if you wanted to copy and paste in java i would google "java copy paste method" and you would find thousands of methods for copying and pasting in java. I would install eclipse and get it set up with the sdk and create a new android project and start coding away. Eclipse will set the basic stuff up for you so you just need to add images, layouts and activities and just start creating the app. Java is a tough language for anyone to just learn it will take some time to get the hang of it regardless of who you are but anyone can do it with time i myself have never taken a computer course in my life and have been learning java for fun over the past few months and am now comfortable with it. It is very easy to learn in that it is so well documented it's literally all over the internet you can find examples of anything

A great site that you can ask specific coding questions is Stack Overflow

But that's as much as i can really help you with without a specific question, what you asked was how do i make an app which is very broad and has no exact answer since every app is made differently obviously all i can say is to install the sdk and eclipse and create a new android project in eclipse and start writing your first app and google google google

Way to go "balls off court" for no good reason on someone who was actually trying to decipher what you were asking for...:icon_eek:

You would think with your "Private University" education, you would be able to more adequately and succinctly make your requirements known, instead of people having to try and piece together what they "think" you mean and or want. Notice all the snippets in your post that I put in bold font? I did that because the text is a rather jumbled mess, which is hard to understand. This looks like a patented case of "vomitus keyboarditis"...stop occasionally while typing and proof-read what you have written.

As far as the writing/production of Apps...Google is your friend...app building for android - Google Search
Yes, you have a way of pointing out when someone makes a typo or two, and not to mention an obvious spot where my pc lagged. My original post was clear and my reply the reply was not insultive, just frustration at someone who assumed that I'm an idiot at computer lingo. I'm an educator in a high tech society and am constantly having to learn new ways to educate and motivate students. App building is just a new route I wanted to go. Other things, including forum building, I have been doing for years. So please do not bash me as I did not bash anyone else.
Ok, whatever. Really, I dont care one way or the other, but tell me exactly how your PC "lagged" and caused you to make grammatical errors on such a grand scale?

Obviously your original post wasn't too clear, else Gflam wouldn't have been on the receiving end of your 2nd diatribe of a post in this thread. Also, with all the grammatical errors I highlighted, there is no way for your post to be considered "clear and concise"...

Go forth...I hope you create the most awesome App ever created. All the education in the world does not make you a smart man...just an educated man...and bragging about that education on an internet message board just makes you look foolish...