Droid with iMac


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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I am new here, thinking of getting a DROID X, have an iMac and am at this forum to find out if DROID can sync with iMac the way the iPhone does. My purchase depends on the response to this question. If "yes", what are the sync features?
I only have Windows on a virtual machine. Total Mac guy so the answer is "kind of", if you embrace Google and have Snow Leopard.

  • Contacts - Set up to sync with Google (Preferences in Address Book)
  • Calendar - Ditto (Preferences in iCal)
  • Photos - Double Twist
  • Music - Ditto
  • Movies - Drag and Drop to iMovie (Edit: looks like Double Twist does that too. So ditto)
  • Bluetooth tethering (not even sure if Windows does that without rooting phone or something)
  • USB mounting of SD card on phone just like you would expect.

I was a bit wary at first but I love the damn phone now. My brother just got a new iPhone and I was playing with it thinking. "Man, this thing kinda sucks in comparison. The apps are there but no customization"
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Thanks...more info

Thanks - that's a good start for me to think about. I have Snow Leopard. Looking for all the tips I can get about syncing with MobileMe or whatever.