Droid RAZR Text Options


New Member
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Now in Cali
So I HAVE been looking all over for the answer- and it is probably something very simple, so sorry if I've bypassed another thread of the same thing, or its an answer that is staring me in the face.

Ok, so I notice that when I send a text/picture message to more than one person, it will bring up a quick little tab of info saying something along the lines of- HEY-sending a group thread starts convo's, and something something sends individual texts! Ok, so I didn't get technical writing the whole message down. I get the picture, doing one thing will send a reply to everyone, and doing another thing will send a reply to just one person. Here is my question- How do I know which is which and what happens? I see in my settings-that 'Thread-group conversations' (use mms for group messages) is checked. Ok. I'm sorry, I must be an idiot- what does that mean, exactly? All I really want, is to NOT have a reply to all feature done, where everyone see's everyone included on the mass text. If I send "Hey guys, meet me at the gym'- to Bob, Linda, Sam, and Joe, I don't want Linda to see I sent it to Sam and Joe. If they reply, I want it separate. Does that make sense? So what do I do or not do , to ensure that doesn't happen?

Again, sorry if the answer is clear and I just don't see it. I have the Motorola Droid Razr.
