Ok guys, after searching various sites, forums, threads, i have had no luck finding a real solution to a problem that seems to affect alot of Razrs and razr maxx's.
I bought a razr maxx off ebay and while calling people i could hear them just fine, but they could only hear me if i
A. Yelled into the mic
B. Used a bluetooth device
C. Had the speakerphone on
I had to register on this forum in an attempt to get the fix out there!
Searched all over and have heard everything from software, verizion, ics, and even the sim card being to blam.
Tryed all the fixes on the web, new sim, several factory restores ect. Ect.
So here it is, i bought a set of precision torx driver tool and decied to take the phone apart myself, following one of the many videos on you tube on dismantling the razr . And fyi, the razr maxx is little a different inside. But i got it apart anyway.
The razr maxx has two mic's as most of you probably know. The front
Mic oviosly for calls, and the rear mic for speakerphone.
The problem turns out, is the little double sided sticky tape dust cover that goes between the mic and the back of the phones screen. It had seemingly melted/got distorted and was actuly covering the tiny hole in the microphone chip.
After removing that tiny peice of messed up tape the phone now works perfectly!
I bought a razr maxx off ebay and while calling people i could hear them just fine, but they could only hear me if i
A. Yelled into the mic
B. Used a bluetooth device
C. Had the speakerphone on
I had to register on this forum in an attempt to get the fix out there!
Searched all over and have heard everything from software, verizion, ics, and even the sim card being to blam.
Tryed all the fixes on the web, new sim, several factory restores ect. Ect.
So here it is, i bought a set of precision torx driver tool and decied to take the phone apart myself, following one of the many videos on you tube on dismantling the razr . And fyi, the razr maxx is little a different inside. But i got it apart anyway.
The razr maxx has two mic's as most of you probably know. The front
Mic oviosly for calls, and the rear mic for speakerphone.
The problem turns out, is the little double sided sticky tape dust cover that goes between the mic and the back of the phones screen. It had seemingly melted/got distorted and was actuly covering the tiny hole in the microphone chip.
After removing that tiny peice of messed up tape the phone now works perfectly!
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