Droid Doesn't do.....weather radar.


Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
NE Illinois
Which is frustrating.

Let me put it this way. My son's POS Cricket phone shows animated weather radar maps from Welcome to Weather Underground : Weather Underground, but my Droid won't.

During the last bout of serious severe weather around here, I could have used a functioning radar on my phone. I have Radar Now, but the drawbacks are the low quality image, and the choppy animation.

The radar on Wunderground is accessed via the browser. My son's phone will animate it, but mine won't. I don't think the radar is run via Flash on that site, so I can't figure out why it won't work on mine. Now, mind you the NEXRAD display on wunderground isn't the highest quality either, but it's better than Radar Now. I have tried the NWS radar site as well, and that doesn't animate, and that is run by Java (does Droid do Java?)

When do we get better weather radar apps for this phone? My hobbies take me out of doors, and having a reliable radar would be nice. My Weather force closes too much to be of any use, and Weather Bug's radar doesn't animate. It doesn't have to be fancy, all it has to do is show me the radar image clear enough, and smooth enough to be of use.

It bugs me that my sons cheap-o "smart" phone from Cricket shows a better radar display than my Droid....
prob requires flash...it works on mine but i have adobe flash.
It works fine on mine, but I'm running 2.2 with xscope for a browse. I remember when I had 2.1 animated .gifs wouldn't work, but I don't know if that was due to 2.1 or the stock browser.
Have you tried different browsers, like DolphinHD or SkyFire? Or try it on Froyo with flash? Root required of course ;)

I use Radar Now for tracking winter storms :)
what about theweatherchannel app?
it has an animated map, works great. the only thing i dont like is when there is a warning you get a notification every 30minutes it seems like -_-

and FREE

go to your local weather, press the menu button and press map, animations there!
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Weatherbug Elite has excellent radar animation among a host of other things and is only two bucks.
+1 - check it out

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Weather Bug Elite works great on my stock Droid running stock browser. The annimated weather looks great and it even sets off a siren when there is a severe weather alert. You can set the alert sound tone to whatever you want. I use the red-alert sound from Star Trek.
Two words from a heli pilot that just needs animated radar to survive:

Rainy Days.

Free, nice, uses a google maps overlay, and believe it or not, while I still like Imap weather's radar, this was faster, even when I was on a stock 2.1.

Try that.
Try RAINY DAYS from the market. A buddy and I use this app alot to decide if we are riding our motorcycles to work or not. Works great for us.

Edit: Oops. Should have read the whole thread. Guess this post should actually read "+1 for Rainy Days"
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