New Member
My wall charger for my droid will only work if the plug into the droid is tilted by something. I set something on the small plug to tilt it so that it will charge my phone. My daughter has the same charger for her phone, so we tried her charger to see if it would work, it was the same thing. Yet the car charger works. Unfortunately, if the battery goes all the way dead, the car charger won't work. (the battery that came with the phone lasted about a year, then I replaced it through Verizon)
I have looked with a magnifying glass at the port, seems clean, nothing bent. Is it possible this port is the problem? The wall charger worked for about 16 months with no issues then slowly began to not charge the phone, I had to wiggle or tilt the cord just so for it to work. And the car charger working to charge with having to rig it, is odd to me. Could the wall chargers be too loose for the port and the car charger be tighter? I don't know, this is driving me batty as I don't know whether to save money for a new phone ( I don't carry the insurance) bother with a new wall charger since mine nor my daughter's worked on my phone (hers works on her droid)? I am frustrated to say the least.
I have looked with a magnifying glass at the port, seems clean, nothing bent. Is it possible this port is the problem? The wall charger worked for about 16 months with no issues then slowly began to not charge the phone, I had to wiggle or tilt the cord just so for it to work. And the car charger working to charge with having to rig it, is odd to me. Could the wall chargers be too loose for the port and the car charger be tighter? I don't know, this is driving me batty as I don't know whether to save money for a new phone ( I don't carry the insurance) bother with a new wall charger since mine nor my daughter's worked on my phone (hers works on her droid)? I am frustrated to say the least.