Silver Member
Hello everyone i thought i would post a thread just for entertainment value just to get our droid blood pumping. Today were going to have a showdown between the Droid Bionic and the Droid RAZR on overall Performance/stability/speed/imagination and all out Droid Does. I would like to hear from all u Ninja Droid users, Junior Droid users and anyone in between on what they think is the better phone based of real life experiences with using both phones with ligit reasons for backing ur statements with the pros/cons on either phone. Plus if u think any of the predecessors can compete with these 2 heavy weights feel free to post the pros/cons of that particular phone and why u think they can compete. oh and final thought please throw out the bug issues for either phone because we can't really base a showdown if we harp on the bugs that will be fixed in the near future just over all Droid firepower to see which one wins the title of top Droid.