Is there a root available fot
Droi 4
Android 4.1.2??
Just a couple quick questions:
Do you mean x.x.189.xt894 or x.x.188.xt894 for the firmware version? My 4.1.2 AOS is on revision 188.
Were you previously rooted on prior firmware revision? I lost root, technically, during the last OTA update, such that SuperSU still existed but would not operate, RootCheck failed, and root-dependent apps failed permissions.
Specifically, my Droid 4 lost full root after the
Android 4.1.2 OTA update, but was easily re-rooted as follows:
Settings / Apps / SmartActions / Clear Data.
Install Moto latest USB management drivers (Windows 7 is my host OS).
Copy previous razr_blade folder to desktop so that run.bat is in path:
Connect USB & open Administrator Command Prompt.
Type the DOS command:
%userprofile%\desktop\razr_blade\run.bat ENTER key & follow on-screen instructions.
Side notes:
I was unsuccessful re-rooting first 3 attempts until I followed other root help threads that suggested relocating the razr_blade folder content to actual desktop folder on my Windows machine & I had meanwhile also "updated" the run.bat file with direct file replacement outlined in one of those threads. I'll reference the file here & its mentioning thread if you don't have success. Just let me know, and good luck!