Droid 4 or Rezound


Dec 5, 2011
Reaction score
Im sure Ill get different opinions, but Im ready to upgrade my OG and narrowed it down to these two.
Im on verizon and eligible for upgrade so the price is basically the same. The keyboard isnt a big deal to me but battery life is.
Which should I get? or is it just personal preference?
yeah, yeah, I know. Ill test them at the verizon store Monday:p
I have had the OG droid, droid 2, the bionic, the nexus, the rezound, back to the nexus, and now on the 4, of all of them, I like the 4 the best. ICS is nice, there are things I didn't like about it, but the reception wasn't good on the nexus. I like the slide out keyboard, and of the phones that I have had, this one is the best. I have not seen the 3's keyboard, so I don't know how it compares to it, but I much prefer the physical keys over the virtual.