Droid 4 Charging port not functioning properly


New Member
Jun 15, 2012
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So I noticed one day that my Droid 4 wasn't charging while plugged into the charger. I quickly discovered that it wasn't the charger as I tried several and began to play with the charger that was plugged into it. For some time now I've had to plug the phone in and then push down on the charger toward the back of the phone. So, to charge the phone I had to set it on a surface that would allow the charger to hang from the phone thus pulling it downward. This got irritating and I searched for a store that repairs phones. I left the phone over night with Contact Wireless, and not only was my phone "beyond repair" but once I got it back, it wouldn't power on anymore either. I went back into the store and left the phone with the tech again over night and he removed some of the sauder work he had done. Thus, the phone could power on again. Now, however, the phone will not charge at all. I don't know what to do I just purchased the phone from Craigslist and there is no insurance on it, also, Motorola considers this physical damage so the warranty does not apply here. :( I need help, is there anyway to charge the battery without using the USB connection, possibly using the HDMI connection? something that will charge the phone without connecting to it? The battery is not supposed to be removed and has warning labels on it from Motorola. Please help someone.
So I noticed one day that my Droid 4 wasn't charging while plugged into the charger. I quickly discovered that it wasn't the charger as I tried several and began to play with the charger that was plugged into it. For some time now I've had to plug the phone in and then push down on the charger toward the back of the phone. So, to charge the phone I had to set it on a surface that would allow the charger to hang from the phone thus pulling it downward. This got irritating and I searched for a store that repairs phones. I left the phone over night with Contact Wireless, and not only was my phone "beyond repair" but once I got it back, it wouldn't power on anymore either. I went back into the store and left the phone with the tech again over night and he removed some of the sauder work he had done. Thus, the phone could power on again. Now, however, the phone will not charge at all. I don't know what to do I just purchased the phone from Craigslist and there is no insurance on it, also, Motorola considers this physical damage so the warranty does not apply here. :( I need help, is there anyway to charge the battery without using the USB connection, possibly using the HDMI connection? something that will charge the phone without connecting to it? The battery is not supposed to be removed and has warning labels on it from Motorola. Please help someone.

You can always just try calling Verizon and make something up. Does it look like the USB port is damaged just by looking at it or is it in the actual port where its not visible?

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
Unfortunately, only the USB connection supplies voltage for charging batteries. There is no way to charge the battery other than the USB port, or via direct connections to the battery directly but that requires removal of the back.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2 with Google voice to text translation. Please excuse any minor spelling, punctuation, capitalization or grammatical errors.
Actually there is a solution.....

So I noticed one day that my Droid 4 wasn't charging while plugged into the charger. I quickly discovered that it wasn't the charger as I tried several and began to play with the charger that was plugged into it. For some time now I've had to plug the phone in and then push down on the charger toward the back of the phone. So, to charge the phone I had to set it on a surface that would allow the charger to hang from the phone thus pulling it downward. This got irritating and I searched for a store that repairs phones. I left the phone over night with Contact Wireless, and not only was my phone "beyond repair" but once I got it back, it wouldn't power on anymore either. I went back into the store and left the phone with the tech again over night and he removed some of the sauder work he had done. Thus, the phone could power on again. Now, however, the phone will not charge at all. I don't know what to do I just purchased the phone from Craigslist and there is no insurance on it, also, Motorola considers this physical damage so the warranty does not apply here. :( I need help, is there anyway to charge the battery without using the USB connection, possibly using the HDMI connection? something that will charge the phone without connecting to it? The battery is not supposed to be removed and has warning labels on it from Motorola. Please help someone.

In the process of looking at how to change the charging port (that had the shoddy work done on it), I ran across a Verizon product that allows you to charge the battery outside of the camera. At least it gives you an option that you don't have presently. See the following youtube video:

Answer to port question & response to youtube video

To answer your question about the port, yes its the usb port I took the phone to a repair store and the tech not only informed me that because of the damage done to the charging port (which he could tell was from the charger being violently removed from the phone/outlet) the contacts to which a new charging port could be mounted wre so far gone that there was no fixing my phone. But after his evaluation of my device I couldn't even charge the darn thing at all anymore. Verizon wouldn't do anything, I found a new droid 4 purchased it and went straight to a local verizon retaier, diamond wireless, and paid $86 for a year of insurance.

In response to the youtube video, this might have been helpful but not to me as I previously stated there is a warning label on the battery stating not to under any circumstances remove the battery, and even doing so, which must be done by unscrewing the battery from the phone, there are currently no existing external battery chargers which are formatted for this battery, CE0168, if that's what the darn thing is even called. The gentlemen at the repair store were able to charge the battery with one of their external battery chargers however required several attempts over the course of 20 minutes of placing the battery over and over until it barely seated properly on the charger. Thank You!
I've been having the same problem. i am already on my 3rd Droid 4

So I noticed one day that my Droid 4 wasn't charging while plugged into the charger. I quickly discovered that it wasn't the charger as I tried several and began to play with the charger that was plugged into it. For some time now I've had to plug the phone in and then push down on the charger toward the back of the phone. So, to charge the phone I had to set it on a surface that would allow the charger to hang from the phone thus pulling it downward. This got irritating and I searched for a store that repairs phones. I left the phone over night with Contact Wireless, and not only was my phone "beyond repair" but once I got it back, it wouldn't power on anymore either. I went back into the store and left the phone with the tech again over night and he removed some of the sauder work he had done. Thus, the phone could power on again. Now, however, the phone will not charge at all. I don't know what to do I just purchased the phone from Craigslist and there is no insurance on it, also, Motorola considers this physical damage so the warranty does not apply here. :( I need help, is there anyway to charge the battery without using the USB connection, possibly using the HDMI connection? something that will charge the phone without connecting to it? The battery is not supposed to be removed and has warning labels on it from Motorola. Please help someone.

My third Droid 4 is supposed to arrive in the mail tomorrow. I have been having the same problem and have been wrapping my charger cord around the phone in order to put pressure on the terminal, which would realistically work for about another week before all the bending completely rendered the port use-less. I suspect that when I use the Verizon hotspot wifi feature which requires the phone to be connected to the charger or otherwise the battery wold be dead instantly. Having the wifi running with the charger plugged in makes the phone really really hot, almost too hot too touch. This is obviously something Motorola and Verizon haven't talked about yet because these extreme temperatures are causing the solder in the battery terminal to become soft and no longer function properly. Fortunately I am on the top-tier for Verizon service so warranty issues with the terminal are not an issue. Here's my newest solution to solving this problem since I need a phone with a keyboard. They sell the Motorola charging pads where you just lay the phone down and it accepts a charge. This requires purchasing the charging pad and the special Droid 4 battery back that allows the phone to accept the charge.
Here is the inductive cover Set Your Location
Here is the charging pad Set Your Location
(out of stock)
When my 2nd Droid 4 battery died and was un-chargeable I had been lucky since the phone I received was refurbished and had the sticker ripped off the back already and had been placed back on. I made sure to make note of this with a Verizon rep. If you're not a step ahead of them they will be two steps ahead of you. I was able to temporarily charge my battery at a fix-ur-gadget store by swapping the bad battery to the new phone i had received, getting my info, flashed the memory, and then replaced everything. In an attempt to simulate the iphone they have hard-wired the battery into the device with a ribbon circuit? I just needed to unscrew the screws and switch them out. I also noticed that on the box provided for returning my defective equipment it said to separate the battery from the device. Obviously I hadn't been sent a return box made especially for my Droid 4, so I just followed the rules and separated the battery from the phone avoiding any further possible warranty issues. I hope this helps, phone carriers have extremely well trained employees and it's hard to get what you want especially when it comes to problems they are not aware of yet. Good luck!
i had a simiaLar problem with my first driod, my whole charging port came out when i tried disconnecting the charger, i took it to get fixed and the guy soldered i back on and he told me it needs a new one cause the one it has is distroyed, it held up for a week before i called verizon, we know a girl in verizon and since we had the warrenty i was able to get a "almost new" driod 4 the difference between this driod and the other one is that after a week of use i lost my 4G im stuck on 3G my dad has the driod razor and where he has 4g i dont. even in the verizon store where they say you should have 4g i dont, idk if its because i downloaded this foxfi hot spot app, and verizon took me off 4G. it also has always seemed different from my first driod like the light on the key board randomly turns on and off when im using it, i had to turn on the tilt screen, etc.. i really hope verizon does a recal on the driod 4s to make them better its bull sh%t that they havent done it yet, the girl at verizon said there have been a lot of complaints about the charging port. i also discovered any case i use scratches up the front trim on my phone. Today it did something weird too, it randomly went dead and stayed int low battery mode for 20minutes before it got to 5% usually it take 5minutes to get to 5% from 0%. If i have any other problems im sending this back and getting another "almost new" driod. DOnt get me wrong i love the phon and its keyboard but some of the problems they seriously need to fix.
Inductive charging is the next best way to go, but I highly recommend just getting a new phone. I got a TYLT Vu, and it worked shortly, but ultimately, my phone now barely meets 10%. Republic Wireless offers the Moto G for like, $150 with flexible plans. I'll miss my slide-out keyboard, but as long as it's a Moto product, I'm confident.