I am having trouble accessing a few things on my Droid 2 Global. The 1st thing is the battery use feature. It breaks down how your battery is being used, but I cant seem to find it under the "about phone" feature where it should be(per this website: Complete Guide to Maximizing Your Android Phone’s Battery Life - How-To Geek )
The 2nd thing is how to I access the settings for my accounts. Like change how often my facebook or email refreshes and things like that. I have looked under everything it seems like and have seen no such option to do so. I'm a bit confused as to where all these options are. Any ideas?
The 2nd thing is how to I access the settings for my accounts. Like change how often my facebook or email refreshes and things like that. I have looked under everything it seems like and have seen no such option to do so. I'm a bit confused as to where all these options are. Any ideas?