I put in a Telus sim and switched the radio to GSM only. I had to enter the APN info as well.
Verizon CDMA phones do roam on Telus as well, but on its CDMA network. For those who don't know Telus has 3 networks. CDMA, iDen, and GSM. Their GSM network is new so it does not have Edge data. Rogers is the only Canadian GSM carrier with Edge data.
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wirecutter, this is amazing!
I have quite the ordeal going on right now.
I live in Kelowna, BC but work in North Dakota.
My telus Blackberry storm 2 worked on verizon's CDMA 3G band down here in north dakota, but the phone has recently been destroyed and I LOATHED the phone anyway, the worst handset ever. Anyway, Telus doesn't offer much for talk plans down here in the U.S. so I also have a Verizon phone which I pay $59/month plus taxes and fees for my calling plan. Since Verizon doens't offer a texting plan to canadian phones, I simply have used my Telus Blackberry for texting and BBM, which is included in my bundle.
WELL, now that my BB is history, and Telus offers only 1 BB (Curve) that runs on straight CDMA, I opted for the iPhone, knoing it's HSPA insides wouldn't work down here in north dakota. So now I'm stuck with a basic verizon flip for calls and an iPhone 4 that is completely useless for the 20 days/month I spend down here in ND, and I'm missing the luxury of texting (& bbm) in a big way.
I'm astonished to find this Droid 2 Global and it's cross-compatibility between networks.
I have a newbie question or two if you don't mind, so basically, I have a iPhone 4 w/ sim card, do I need a Milestone or similar handset's sim card to get Telus to work with the Droid 2 Global (since the iPhone 4 plans are different from that of Moto's etc.) or can I use the Iphone's sim and just change my plan with telus or can I buy a new sim from telus that will better suit the droid 2 global.... how does that work?
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
This is exciting!!!!