This is happening to me also in music. If i put the display to sleep also it would freeze and pause the music. Also when i connect to media center dock thing it would make the sound as if i am turning off the display, but it would make that sound about 5 times rapidly. I have not had the issue with the browser. Also i had rooted and it was very laggy so i unrooted it, but it stills lags only in with music. The music issue would only occur when playing music. if not then works fine.
FYI, I did see some improved performance after I changed from a live wallpaper to static. #smh
This is happening to me also in music. If i put the display to sleep also it would freeze and pause the music. Also when i connect to media center dock thing it would make the sound as if i am turning off the display, but it would make that sound about 5 times rapidly. I have not had the issue with the browser. Also i had rooted and it was very laggy so i unrooted it, but it stills lags only in with music. The music issue would only occur when playing music. if not then works fine.
This is also an occurring issue with my D2, haven't seen a fix or anything to fix it yet.
(Rooted, and DeOdexed)
This is happening to me also in music. If i put the display to sleep also it would freeze and pause the music. Also when i connect to media center dock thing it would make the sound as if i am turning off the display, but it would make that sound about 5 times rapidly. I have not had the issue with the browser. Also i had rooted and it was very laggy so i unrooted it, but it stills lags only in with music. The music issue would only occur when playing music. if not then works fine.
This is also an occurring issue with my D2, haven't seen a fix or anything to fix it yet.
(Rooted, and DeOdexed)
I thought it was only me and the other guy, but now i realized there is a good amount of people with freezing problem on the D2. I have not found a fix either.Also i dont want to give it back to verizon because all they would do it either say that is not in the warranty or they will give me a pre-owned with the same issue.
I rooted it thinking it will go faster but it didnt i even overclocked it,and it will still freeze so i unrooted because the rooting made the phone alot slower.
(I got the D2)
My phone is freezing roughly ten times an hour now. This is before rooting, after rooting, stock and epic.
How'd they pull this one off?