I don't know WHAT happened with my phone. Anyways, I was watching some Youtube Videos and the phone COMPLETELY died. COMPLETELY. So I forget to charge it overnight but I did charge it in the morning until it said 30% in which I turned it on fully and then re-plugged the charger in. Maybe my 1st mistake was not letting it FULLY charge? Anyways, I start using it once it got to 80% and I noticed the battery was draining FAST. So I re-plugged it and charged it to 100%. Take the plug out and I left it there idle because I forgot to bring it with me. Mind you it's been about 4 hours. I come back to see it says 25%!! How does a phone that's idle for 4 hours go from 100% to 25%??? Any help? Would calibrating the battery help? I forgot how to do that though.