Double Twist "iTunes for Android"

cereal killer

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Oct 29, 2009
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Austin, TX
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Nokia Lumia Icon

Android Market is finally getting a robust desktop presence. But we don’t have to Google to thank for it — it’s coming from doubleTwist, the syncing software that allows you to sync your media with Android phones (it also supports myriad other devices). The new feature is launching today with the latest update of doubleTwist for Mac, and will be included with the Windows version soon. doubleTwist is also offering a web version of its Android Market directory, which you can access at doubleTwist Android Market.

I’ve made no secret of my dislike for the current version of Google’s official web presence for Android Market — it offers a sampling of Android’s top apps, but it’s ugly and doesn’t offer a full listing of what’s available (it doesn’t even offer a search function). There are some third-party web directories, like AndroidLib, but these don’t offer the slick feel you get from a desktop application. doubleTwist comes closer than either of these options to matching the iTunes browsing experience, but it still isn’t perfect.

The Android Market integration looks quite nice. Clicking the menu item in the left sidebar brings up a list of the top featured, paid, and free applications on Android Market. And, unlike Google’s official Market site, you can actually search using doubleTwist’s version. Clicking on an app will bring up its description, screen shots, and reviews — it looks a lot like the iTunes App Store interface, which isn’t a bad thing.

However, doubleTwist’s Market integration comes with a couple of issues. First, it doesn’t include any application categories, like ‘Games’ or ‘Communication’ (though this seems like it would be a fairly minor addition). The other issue is more problematic: you can’t actually use doubleTwist to download and sync applications to your Android device. Instead, each entry on the Market features a QR code that you have to scan from your phone to bring up the appropriate item in Android Market.

doubleTwist co-founder Monique Farantzos says that the company plans to offer Over The Air downloads this summer (which would let you send apps to your device without having to bother with this QR code nonsense), and that the company has also approached Google about a way to make the experience more integrated and seamless. Still, even without OTA downloads, the Market integration looks slick.

source:Tech Crunch

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Sync Android, PSP, BlackBerry, Pre: doubleTwist with Amazon MP3
awesome app, need to work on a few issues here and there, but awesome app.
just installed it. simple to use need more podcast though
I tried Double Twist and I lost a lot of album art and everything seemed to be a mess. I uninstalled it and now use iTunesAgent. This is free software that allows ANY device to be seen by iTunes and sync.

Install, set up your playlist, connect your device, and synchronize. Easy as pie and no mess!
Double Twist did an excellent job of transferring my music and pictures from my Mac to my Droid. Album covers and everything. I always recommend it.
Its probably a mistake on my part but DoubleTwist loaded ALL my mp3's on my computer onto my phone, not just the ones from iTunes. I think it just dumped everything in my music folder when I was expecting it to just do my itunes library. Can you imagine my horror when I looked at the music on my phone and my wifes stuff like Abba and Celine Dion were on my phone!!!!:mad:
Ugh, this thing takes forever to sync. I'm not sure why. I'm leaving it plugged in for hours and even then it says it didn't sync some stuff even though it's showing I still have 2GB left on the card.
I uninstalled it and now use iTunesAgent. This is free software that allows ANY device to be seen by iTunes and sync.

Install, set up your playlist, connect your device, and synchronize. Easy as pie and no mess!

Does anyone know if you can watch digital copy movies ITUNES version with this app?
my experience with this kinda sucked... i connected and hit sync and waited to hours for the bar to complete and tell me no media was added.... and now i can't even get it to start.. can someone tell me how they got this to work on windows? i have windows 7 64 bit and this is bugging me.. is there anyway i can choose the folders it grabs my media from? cuz i have like 60gb of movies on "my videos" in my documents...
How come it takes so long for it to sync? Is there a fix?

Yea the sync time is my main complaint about doubletwist. It does it's job but has much room for improvement.

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