Does nexus have hdmi and mirror mode?


Oct 10, 2011
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And also does nexus have something compareable to motorolla, webtop or dock
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This may answer your questions:

edit: I just realized it's not in english LOL! Sorry watching football so didn't have the volume on. Least he shows the function of the adapter
du werdest un krankenschwester brachen!

sorry, first thing that came to my head when i watched the video
you need to watch "The Family Guy".
It means, you will need a nurse.

funny thats all the german i know. I can remember dumb stuff from the family guy but if i took a german class id remember nothing.. like i did with french and spanish
you need to watch "The Family Guy".
It means, you will need a nurse.

funny thats all the german i know. I can remember dumb stuff from the family guy but if i took a german class id remember nothing.. like i did with french and spanish
2 years of spanish for me and all I really remember is "puedo ir el bano" LOL!
2 years of spanish for me and all I really remember is "puedo ir el bano" LOL!

Mi espanol es muy mal.
My spanish is very bad.

That's all I know, and I'm not even sure I'm saying it correctly lol.

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