I hope that everyone at android realizes that I specifically went out to buy an android phone yesterday (not Iphone which by the way, allows real money gambling apps in their app store) and I am severely mad as a hatter to find out that in the 12h since I decided to buy this phone and got it home that they have pulled this app from their market place.
To the small minded idiots who run the android store: You will not stop people from downloading the FTP rush poker app in the long run. You are just **** people off in the short run. Completely hypocritical when you are allowing people (probably little kids) to download a hustler mobile app. Totally completely ridiculous.
I hope that everyone at android realizes that I specifically went out to buy an android phone yesterday (not Iphone which by the way, allows real money gambling apps in their app store) and I am severely mad as a hatter to find out that in the 12h since I decided to buy this phone and got it home that they have pulled this app from their market place.
To the small minded idiots who run the android store: You will not stop people from downloading the FTP rush poker app in the long run. You are just **** people off in the short run. Completely hypocritical when you are allowing people (probably little kids) to download a hustler mobile app. Totally completely ridiculous.
That's actually irritating, it's my device I should be allowed to download what I want from the app store.
Maybe before you get your panties in a bunch, you should wait for the full story.I hope that everyone at android realizes that I specifically went out to buy an android phone yesterday (not Iphone which by the way, allows real money gambling apps in their app store) and I am severely mad as a hatter to find out that in the 12h since I decided to buy this phone and got it home that they have pulled this app from their market place.
To the small minded idiots who run the android store: You will not stop people from downloading the FTP rush poker app in the long run. You are just **** people off in the short run. Completely hypocritical when you are allowing people (probably little kids) to download a hustler mobile app. Totally completely ridiculous.
That's actually irritating, it's my device I should be allowed to download what I want from the app store.
Couldn't agree with you more, especially on an app that is allowing adults to participate in a perfectly legal activity and game of skill.
Maybe before you get your panties in a bunch, you should wait for the full story.That's actually irritating, it's my device I should be allowed to download what I want from the app store.
Couldn't agree with you more, especially on an app that is allowing adults to participate in a perfectly legal activity and game of skill.
Full Tilt Poker Already Pulled from Market? - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
I think you can thank your government for this one, as they are the ones in charge of the legality of online poker.
First Amendment Lawyer - UIGEA and Internet Gambling?
Chances are you have a bad download - did you download it with your device or a computer ?Noob here - I downloaded the full tilt app but I get a "parse error" when I try to install it. Yes, I have checked the box in the controls to allow apps from unknown sources.
Any help?
If our constitutional freedoms weren't somewhat limited then our government wouldn't function. Look at the wikileaks issues as of late. What a stupid comment. With that said, I do think it's ridiculous to pull the app, but there's no reason to take it to a political level and possibly offend people on the forums over a poker application.
Chances are you have a bad download - did you download it with your device or a computer ?Noob here - I downloaded the full tilt app but I get a "parse error" when I try to install it. Yes, I have checked the box in the controls to allow apps from unknown sources.
Any help?
"Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period."
IT IS gambling, point blank, no questions asked. Just because some people are better at it than others does not mean it's not gambling. When you step to the poker table or to your computer or phone for that matter it is a calculated risk you take. Therefore, like I said, it's gambling.