This worked for me, first I am not reponsible if this mess up your phone, this worked for me, your results may vary.
Delete the good working profile as not to mess it up.
Use Titanium to destroy all your market links
Reboot Phone
Use a file explorer with root access to delete the market_assessts.db file located in /data/data/
(For this I used ES file explorer make sure to enable root access, and to allow it to be writable.)
Reboot Phone
Use Titanium Back Up to relink applications
(These cannot be non-market apps. No pirated, No third party apps, no paid apps you didn't purchase through the market place. Relinking any of these will re-break the profile once the market looks for updates to the programs.) Link all free and paid apps that you got through Google Android Market Place
Reboot Phone
Enjoy, it can take up to 15 minutes for the apps to come back, after they do re-add your second working Google profile.
Using any program that backs up, or edits market links will rebreak this connection.
Googles server looks for anything and I mean anything that might mean you have a rooted phone and rejects your connections. Once you do this relink you cannot individually edit the links or it will rebreak the connection. I have heard that having TB or Rom Manager will automatically cause you to lose market access. Thanks you