Hello everyone. Just before purchasing my bionic i had a chance to briefly own a droid X2. One of my favorite features was being able to stream my avi movies of my network dnla enabled drive right to my phone. I was never able to use the DLNA app on the X2. It was able to find my drive along with its folders get my pictures and everything else but i would always get a "the media file cannot be played" message when opening movie avi files. The only way i was able to view my movies is if i accessed my dlna server from my gallery which was fine, i could deal. Now i have the bionic and nothing works, not the DLNA app, when i try going through my gallery i get a "file cannot be displayed or played" message. I guess im a little confused as to why it would work on a droid x2 but not on a newer Bionic and why the DLNA app not work on either unit. Am I doing something wrong? The only thing i noticed on the bionic is that when i'm in my gallery and i press dlna servers, my server will show up but the mac address underneath it shows all zeros not sure if thats the problem or even how to fix that. Wifi is always on when i try all this. Is there anyone experiencing the same issue than can help me out? Very frustrating wheu u purchase something for features that don't even work.