Hi all... not that new to the forum, had a OG Droid for 2 years and posted here a little, but mostly lurked and searched. Just got my Razr and so far I love the features, but the battery life--not so much. I've been reading up and from what I've read, I don't think I'm getting nearly the battery life as most. It actually all started when i first got the phone on Friday, we had to go through 3 sim cards to get me up and running; sending and receiving data. I don't know if they just had a bad batch of sim cards or if this may be another sign of a bug with my phone. Regardless, we got it going after that. Well, my battery hasn't lasted long at all. I'm not in an area with 4G yet so i have cut the LTE off. I also have a couple smart actions set to save battery at night and when the phone is motionless with the screen off. I would say i'm an average user, not alot of texts, a little browsing, little facebook, etc. I don't stream music or video often. With that said, I don't think my battery has lasted maybe 6 hours without being needing to be charged (I consider less than 20% as needing to be charged because it dies quickly after that). Also for reference, I had my phone plugged in last night and I woke up at around 4am. It was fully charged so I unplugged it. When I got up and dressed and out of the house this morning i plugged it in again on the way to work and at about 7:30 it read 70%. So sitting doing nothing, 30% of my battery was depleted in 3 hours. Does this sound like I should be taking it back to Verizon? Also, nothing looks fishy on my battery usage.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.