Did Apple Do It Wrong - The State of Smartwatches

I feel Apple is taking the iPod approach to Smart Watch, taking something that was kind of made and refining it and marketing it to high heaven. Am I interested in it, no, will I be, probably not, can I say that 3 years from now after a revision is made and a better version is out, hopefully not but I don't know. Back when the iPod came out I didn't want it, yet after the mini came out I was intrigued enough to get it. Apple is doing what its comfortable with doing, marketing to people with cash and keeping people who don't think its a wise investment out and those that look to the status quo in to use as "beta testers" then after two more revisions get enough of a following to say get a real big catch later on.
I feel Apple is taking the iPod approach to Smart Watch, taking something that was kind of made and refining it and marketing it to high heaven. Am I interested in it, no, will I be, probably not, can I say that 3 years from now after a revision is made and a better version is out, hopefully not but I don't know. Back when the iPod came out I didn't want it, yet after the mini came out I was intrigued enough to get it. Apple is doing what its comfortable with doing, marketing to people with cash and keeping people who don't think its a wise investment out and those that look to the status quo in to use as "beta testers" then after two more revisions get enough of a following to say get a real big catch later on.
You've gotta wonder how long their methods can truly hold out. They've kinda done this same thing since the beginning of the Mac vs PC era. Sure, there will always be Apple "fanboys" who can't get enough of their products and can't pay enough to have them, but we've already seen Android devices give the iphone a real run for its money. While Apple continues to do the same old thing again and again, Google and the oems that are making android devices are experimenting and taking some real risks.

It's definitely going to be interesting to watch the next few years or so in this arena. Personally, I'm a self-proclaimed Android fanboy, so I have no interest in the Apple Watch. I'm also quite content with the G Watch I got for under $100. Will I be upgrading to a newer Android Wear device? Time and specs on the next gen devices will tell, but it's highly likely.
I like smartwatch the new era is coming in good way and in good taste.