We've received a huge outpouring of support for the new look and feel, and we are very pleased that the community welcomed it with open arms.
So lets get down to business! You want that $100.00 in your pocket or a Amazon Fire TV don't you? Well here's the deal. With our new updated look we are in desperate need of an updated logo. The 'old' one has certainly served us well, but it's time.
We are calling on ALL members (staff included), Developers, Themer's, Circus Clowns and Barista's to design us a brand new forum logo/mascot. It's an open canvas, so the color palette you choose and logo/mascot are entirely yours to create. The sky is the limit and there are no boundaries. Let your creativity flow on this one folks!
Rules for entry:
- Submit your best logo design(s) in this thread (1600 pixels x 1200 pixels).
The Logo Design Contest will end Friday July 25, 2014 at 12:00PM Central. Staff will review all the entries and announce the winner either that Friday or the following Monday (July 28, 2014).
The winner will be able to choose a $100.00 Amazon Gift Card or the Amazon Fire TV.
Good luck and we look forward to seeing all the great designs! This should be fun!