wow...that looks terrible. you will hate yourself for getting a resistive screen on a tablet (no pinch to zoom, plus not very accurate) and to add to the bad screen, it is ony 480x800 which wont look that great on a 7" screen.
now i may be partial to this, but IMO, the BEST android tablet you can get today for the price is a Barns and Noble Nook Color....sounds funny, but it runs android 2.1, has a capacitive IPS screen, with great resolution, super easy to root and get the market and all the apps on it. it just got a custom recovery, and an overclock kernel. $250 gets you everything the galaxy tab has. this is currently what i am using as my tablet, and it really is more than i could ask for. once custom ROM's come out for this thing, it will be running FROYO or possible gingerbread and maybe even Honeycomb after a while. the only thing it is missing is cameras.
with electronics, you get what you pay for. stay away from Resistive screens, and try to stay with at least a 720P screen....and keep with a higher processor speed. that thing is going to be SLOW, no matter how you look at it. and you are going to have problems on top of problems. pay a little more, and you will be happy.