Data Plan


New Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Would the 30 dollar data plan I got for my Droid be a part of the plan I already have with Verizon?
Or would it be 30 dollars tacked on to the plan I already have?
strange question considering you didnt mention the plan but:

every smart phone has its own data plan of at least $30
multimedia(non smartphones) are either 15 or 25
so assuming that you had a smartphone and are replacing it with a droid then no your bill wont change.
but if you had a dare or are adding a line then add 30 bucks
Is there anyone to join the two, so it's not as much?
well my bill is like 230 for 3 lines plus vz nav on one phone
and thats with a family plan and a company discount
so try those. idk if u work for a large company though....