Data Drop + Data Disabled

JP 5.56

Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
So I've been having some data drop issues, 4G dropping to 3G dropping to nothing. The only way I was able to get data back was to connect to a WIFI network and then disable it, and then network data would come back.

I discovered in Settings>Data Manager that something is disabling "Data Enabled". Now I know that Smart Actions will do this if you set it up to. The problem is, this data drop will occur while I am using the phone and not Smart Action setting is currently triggered. I can be streaming music through slacker or something and actively using the phone and watch the data drop, and go into the settings and find it disabled.

Anyone have any ideas?
I am not having the second problem. But, I have noticed the data drop more often the last week. It wasn't doing this when I first got it on 11/10/11. So, I don't know what's going on with mine recently.
I seem to drop data when I go from 4g to 3g as well. This is a known problem, I think it happened with the Bionic as well. Something about how it doesn't transition well from 3G to 4g. I was told there should be a small update in Jan for this.
I purchased my Razr on the 28th and started experiencing the "data drop" problem yesterday. My phone could connect to WiFi without any problems, but could't seem to get back onto 3g or 4g easily. Today I get a SIM card error whenever I try to get onto 4g. I went to a local VZW store and the woman who worked with me said she had seem similar problems with the Bionic, and Charge, but not the Razr (so glad to be her first.) She got me back on 3g and then told me that some people just keep it on 3g because it drains the battery less. I told her that I would like to have the choice and that if I wanted a dual-core 3g phone, I would have paid less money. :angry: She went to her computer and said there is now an "alert" that the Razr is experiencing the same problem and that a software update is forthcoming. I told her that my phone is going to be within my 14-day return period on the 9th when the Nexus comes out and that I would be trading it in. She basically said that that was within my rights and she would see me on Friday. I had no problem with her and she helped me out the best she could, but she was not going to be able to make my phone work.

That's too bad. I was really liking the Razr's form factor and I was fine with dealing with Blur to use my phone. I was able to tweak Smart Actions enough to get a solid 24 hours of working time with my phone between charges while switching between WiFi and 4g (when I had it) between home, work, and the outside world. Still, I want to have the connectivity I am paying for and I am going to trade it in for the Nexus at the end of the week.
I purchased my Razr on the 28th and started experiencing the "data drop" problem yesterday. My phone could connect to WiFi without any problems, but could't seem to get back onto 3g or 4g easily. Today I get a SIM card error whenever I try to get onto 4g. I went to a local VZW store and the woman who worked with me said she had seem similar problems with the Bionic, and Charge, but not the Razr (so glad to be her first.) She got me back on 3g and then told me that some people just keep it on 3g because it drains the battery less. I told her that I would like to have the choice and that if I wanted a dual-core 3g phone, I would have paid less money. :angry: She went to her computer and said there is now an "alert" that the Razr is experiencing the same problem and that a software update is forthcoming. I told her that my phone is going to be within my 14-day return period on the 9th when the Nexus comes out and that I would be trading it in. She basically said that that was within my rights and she would see me on Friday. I had no problem with her and she helped me out the best she could, but she was not going to be able to make my phone work.

That's too bad. I was really liking the Razr's form factor and I was fine with dealing with Blur to use my phone. I was able to tweak Smart Actions enough to get a solid 24 hours of working time with my phone between charges while switching between WiFi and 4g (when I had it) between home, work, and the outside world. Still, I want to have the connectivity I am paying for and I am going to trade it in for the Nexus at the end of the week.

When does the Nexus come out??

How is Samsung's antenna compared to the Motorola?? I had a thunderbolt and it was rare to have service in my home. Now with the RAZR I have fantastic service. I've never owned a Samsung phone before and didn't know.
Nexus is out this Friday, it looks like. I've never been impressed with Samsung's radios. In my experience they have been worse than my Motos.
I'm having the same issues and I've come across a few quick fixes, try them out and see if they help you-
1. toggle airplane mode
2. put the phone in sleep mode then wake it up
3. turn on data sync or open a system app ( browser) that uses data
4. if the first 2 fail just restart and you should be back to normal

Usually one of these will work. I think the full data drop issue is with the smart actions tool but I'm not 100% sure.

As for the 4g to 3g data drops, I've experienced this only a few times. I typically use the same steps above and one of the two connections starts working. I don't think the 2 modes play nice partly because 4g runs on ipv6 and 3g is ipv4. There is probably a software bug that doesn't allow NAT to work correctly when moving between networks.

Went from Bionic to RAZR and I don't seem to have data loss as much, though it does still happen (4G/3G to noG)

L2 VW was aware of issue with Bionic and stated should be resolved sometime in December via OTA update, I imagine same goes with RAZR as it seems Moto related...

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I loved my Razr until a few days ago. It has been super fast, not a single issue, and always treated me right. However, just 3 days ago I was at work with my Razr plugged into the PC for charging (it was never below 50% anyway) and after I unplugged it I noticed it was practically frozen. I would hit the screen-button to turn off the screen and it woudl go off, but when hitting it again to turn it on it was SO slow and laggy, to the point where it was unusable.

After a few forced reboots for some odd reason it started acting fine again. Was great, playing games, talking, calling... everyhting seemed back to normal. Today I got the "Sim Card Error" message that everyone has been talking about, doesnt matter for me because I am on 3G in my area so whatever. However, I was in my car and i just grabed my Razr and noticed the same thing, it was acting laggy and frozen. Tried reboots and such, and I noticed that now i have NO data connection. Every once in a while i will see a 1x but thats it. Rebooted and nothing helps.

I am rooted, but only to toss a ringtone or two on my system. I have not messed with it other than that. I feel like I am going to just go home after work and unroot it, then bring it to verizon and tell them whats been happening.

Any ideas or similar lag/freeze/data-drop issues?
Yep..I've had man a few weeks with ZERO problems until today. Data connection just took a massive dump. Nothing I try can get a data connection back on. Damn! and I love this phone!
Same here since I left school an hour and a half ago I can't get any data. Tried airplane mode, restarts, switching between 4g/3g and it won't come back. Tried connecting to Wifi and turning that off and still no data.
Lost 3G and 4G for the first time ever. Off for at least an hour now. Nothing works to get it back on. On Wi-Fi at the moment.

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Add my name to the list who's having data issues. I'm in Seattle with strong 4G coverage. Yesterday was perfect. Today, no data on LTE. I have 3G data now, but it took several reboots/airplane mode cycles with the phone in CDMA only to get data to function. Very frustrating!!
4G is out sporadically nationwide apparently. Lots of news on it online.

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