D2G: earpiece volume very low sometimes


Dec 7, 2010
Reaction score
GF has a G2G, once in a while we can only hear people very faintly in the phone. Volume settings are unchanged and correct. If we restart the device it works fine for a while.

Is this a known issue or are we just lucky? :motdroidhoriz:
I have it too... Many people seem to have it... One suggestion is to turn off voice privacy in the call settings.
Glad to see these messages, as I have what sounds like the same problem. Unchecking voice privacy has not eliminated it, however.

At annoyingly unpredictable intervals, my ability to hear a call drops to near (but not quite) zero. This is actually true for me both through the earpiece and over the speakerphone. (I've never had the problem while using a bluetooth connection for audio, but since it's a sporadic problem, this doesn't mean much.) When the problem occurs, the person at the other end hears me just fine, and all other audio on the phone is unaffected. So I assume it's a software bug. The only cure I've found (the result of reading about what sounds like the same problem on the plain Droid 2) is removing and reinserting the battery.

Very annoying!
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do you have the latest system update version 2.4.330.A956?
GF has a G2G, once in a while we can only hear people very faintly in the phone. Volume settings are unchanged and correct. If we restart the device it works fine for a while.

Is this a known issue or are we just lucky? :motdroidhoriz:

OK something similar was happening with me to begin with and then later the ear piece just gave up. I was able to hear the other person but the frequency of the voice was totally transformed i.e instead of hearing an adult voice I was hearing a voice that appeared to be a child's. I got it replaced by calling the Verizon CS. I will suggest you taking it to a store and talk to a representative who can suggest a replacement or just call the CS and talk to them to see if they will send a replacement device.
My personal thinking is that taking it to a store works better because then you will not have to go through a long conversation on the phone and the person on the other end asking you to do certain things with the device and then later giving you the replacement...
Thanks for the tips folks. I think I'll have her take it to the local VZW store first chance she gets :cool:
I had the problem when I was running stock a few times, haven't had it since I switched to liberty
Yes, update is current.

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