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:greendroid:Yes Hello , Ptree here just wondering if any1 has found a workaround for Hulu + App.:greendroid::reddroid: I'm sad because unlike Netflix this app came directly to D2, but will not work on , and only on CM7.:reddroid: Well any links or info appreciated. thx Ptree
:greendroid:Yes Hello , Ptree here just wondering if any1 has found a workaround for Hulu + App.:greendroid::reddroid: I'm sad because unlike Netflix this app came directly to D2, but will not work on , and only on CM7.:reddroid: Well any links or info appreciated. thx Ptree
Haven't tried it, but it might be blocked if you're not on a stock GB/Blur ROM...I know that's an issue on some Android tablets running non-stock ROMs. Again, I don't know, just guessing...
Yes hello . that link is the flash player u need, just make sure u uninstall system flash in app management first.What u wanna do is start your browser. Select ur menu key and scroll down to more , then settings.u r looking for ;set user agent" select that option then pick Linux. Then just load web PG. Instead of app.u might have to allow apps.
Yes hello, This Was Sent From My R2-D2 Cyanogized7 Phone!
Yes hello . that link is the flash player u need, just make sure u uninstall system flash in app management first.What u wanna do is start your browser. Select ur menu key and scroll down to more , then settings.u r looking for ;set user agent" select that option then pick Linux. Then just load web PG. Instead of app.u might have to allow apps.
Yes hello, This Was Sent From My R2-D2 Cyanogized7 Phone!