custom tone for incoming Text Msg


Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Now have 2.2 (orig Droid)

Is there a way to set a custom mp3 as the announcement for when I receive a text message - instead of the systems default tones?
Found this another post and I believe this is how I used to do it -- I just use stock sounds now.

Attach the Droid to the computer, mount the SDCard as a drive, then create a new folder in your SD Card called "Media". Then create three new folders under those, called "Alarms", "Notifications", and "Ringtones". mp3 and other audio files put into each respective folder will show up as selections for the respective notification types. I.E. An mp3 put in Alarms will show up under the Ringtone settings for alarms. Or one put in Notifications will show up as selections for those such as SMS or Email apps.

Remember to unmount the SDCard and let it refresh before looking for the files in the settings.

Great suggestion.
And yes it worked.

I did have a folder I created called MP3's.
I don't think it will be a problem seeing that the SD card is far from being filled, but I am guessing that having the same MP3 file in "Media" & "MP3" won't be a problem?