I run Froyo. Bugless Beast v.05, Ultimate Droid eXtreme 8, CyanogenMod 6, Zen-Miui V2. Pretty much all the new roms as they come out.
Here's the steps you need to know since your phone is already flashed:
Download and install Autostart (root) by Blank-online.eu and Root Explorer by Speed Software from the Android Market.
Now using your phone download this zip file, http://www.whiterabbit.org/android/u2nl.zip, from WhiteRabbit.org.
Open the Root Explorer app and give it root permission if asked. At the top there should be a button that says "Mount R/W", press it.
Navigate to the /sdcard/download folder and open the u2nl.zip file you just downloaded. Inside you'll find the u2nl file. The autostart.sh file should also be in the zip file in the autostart/motodroid/cricket folder.
Extract both files. The extracted files will be in the /sdcard/extracted folder.
Move the u2nl file to the /system/bin folder and set its permissions to
User: Read, Write, Execute
Group: Read, Execute
Others: Read, Execute
Go to the /data folder and create a new folder named "opt" if it's not already there.
Move the autostart.sh file to the /data/opt folder and set its permissions to
User: Read, Write, Execute
Group: Read, Execute
Others: Read, Execute
You can now exit the Root Explorer app.
Now launch the Voice Dialer app and say "Open APNs". Modify the APN to look like this:
Name - Cricket
APN - internet
Proxy - wap.mycricket.com
Port - 8080
Username -
Password - cricket
Server - wap.mycricket.com
- http://mms.mycricket.com/servlets/mms
MMS - Proxy wap.mycricket.com
MMS Port - 8080
MCC - 310
MNC - 004
Authentication Type - PAP or CHAP
APN type - <Not set>
Save the APN changes and reboot your phone. That's it. You can check out the full process at Motorola Droid Full Solution Updated