Custom Ringtones


Jul 16, 2010
Reaction score
Columbia County, NY
How do you set a ringtone for a specific contact? I can't seem to find a setting in contact edit screen...did a search on here for ringtone but got all sorts of stuff...

Thanks for any help!
Open the contact you want to add the ringtone to - push the little button down on the left and select edit, push the back button and scroll down to additional info, scroll down and it's near the bottom.
There is probably an elegant way to do this, but I'm new to Droids and don't know it.
Open the contact you want to add the ringtone to - push the little button down on the left and select edit, push the back button and scroll down to additional info, scroll down and it's near the bottom.
There is probably an elegant way to do this, but I'm new to Droids and don't know it.

Your method was how I eventually found to do it as well. It's kind of difficult to find but that's how I did it, too.

Weird, the "Additional Info" button doens't work on my phone, maybe it has something to do wth the way I exported from outlook and then imported to Google/Gmail?

NEVER MIND, I've just got fat fingers!!!

I just downloaded the Ringdroid (a custom ring creator) and when you save the ring you've created, it asks if you want to add this ring to a contact.

MUCH easier than the normal way.
