Copy & Paste


New Member
Jul 31, 2010
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does anyone know how to copy and past with the droidx thank you
Your question isn't very specific.
Copy & paste through adb:
cp /<folder>/<orig_file> /<folder>/<new_file>
whereever you have text that you have typed, press and hold that text box. It is like right-clicking. you can copy, paste, delete etc... from that menu. As for copying stuff from a web age, not sure if that works.
Here are some threads that I looked up for you concerning the X and Copy and Paste: Copy paste Droid x - Google Search

Hook, very diplomatic response. (No hint of sarcasm in your wording.) I'm gonna remember that move. :)

Too bad the title got fixed. I thought "copy and past" might involve some kind of time-travel paradox question. Reminds me of a "Love, American Style" where the guy has a little time machine, and keeps redoing his date over and over again until the girl falls for him!...holy carp I actually found the episode at

Love, American Style: Love and the Time Machine Episode Summary on

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Hook, very diplomatic response. (No hint of sarcasm in your wording.) I'm gonna remember that move. :)

Too bad the title got fixed. I thought "copy and past" might involve some kind of time-travel paradox question. Reminds of a "Love, American Style" where the guy has a little time machine, and keeps redoing his date over and over again until the girl falls for him!...holy carp I actually found the episode at

Love, American Style: Love and the Time Machine Episode Summary on


I'll be honest, I was trying to help the OP out. I didn't know what type of copy/paste he was looking for so I just gave him a bunch and moved on.

Now there are times that I have done that to try to make a point.:icon_devil: This wasn't one of them.