New Member
Hey, hows it going? First off, I want to say great work on the liberty rom. My phone is running faster, longer, and with more features than ever before! w00t! Also the eagle logo is pretty BA...seems kinda like a throwback to the WWII eagles used in Germany's insignias. Anyway...
I pulled the boot logo bin files off my phone today and I was looking at them to see what makes them tick (I want to make my own). Eventually after trying to open them with various software (and failing) and doing some google searching I found that they are essentially .png files missing a few bytes at the beginning and end. I found another tutorial to add a custom boot logo and decided to give it a try. However, I added the header and footer bytes to the bin files I pulled off my phone, and I noticed they dont open as png files (and they are 256k in size which made me suspicious). When I looked at the liberty stock boot logo a little closer, I noticed it changed colors a few times (from that blue/greyish color to a little lighter).
So I guess my questions are:
Does this mean that these boot logos have several png files in them?
Would I be able to add a multiple files to a boot.bin myself?
And can I have them take up the whole screen?
Thanks for your help!
I pulled the boot logo bin files off my phone today and I was looking at them to see what makes them tick (I want to make my own). Eventually after trying to open them with various software (and failing) and doing some google searching I found that they are essentially .png files missing a few bytes at the beginning and end. I found another tutorial to add a custom boot logo and decided to give it a try. However, I added the header and footer bytes to the bin files I pulled off my phone, and I noticed they dont open as png files (and they are 256k in size which made me suspicious). When I looked at the liberty stock boot logo a little closer, I noticed it changed colors a few times (from that blue/greyish color to a little lighter).
So I guess my questions are:
Does this mean that these boot logos have several png files in them?
Would I be able to add a multiple files to a boot.bin myself?
And can I have them take up the whole screen?
Thanks for your help!