New Member
I've seen lots of success posts describing how to VNC using ConnectBot and AndroidVNC and SSH with password authentication but none using public keys.
I have an Ubuntu server which I logon remotely from an Ubuntu laptop using a public key SSH pipe. I start up x11vnc from the terminal session (I don't want to run the vnc server as a deamon for security reasons) forwarding the ports and firing up remmina as my vnc client. All works well.
What I want to do is achieve this on my HTC Desire.
My process so far :
I connect to my remote server through a ConnectBot session using public keys.
I use the 'Port Forwards' dialogue within ConnectBot as follows:
Nickname: vnc
Type: Local
Source Port: 5900
Destination: (note: this example is framed within my home network)
I then fire up my x11vnc server using the following command in the ConnectBot terminal:
'x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -noxfixes -auth ~/x11auth -display :0'
x11vnc starts as normal, with no errors.
I then hit the home key to switch out of ConnectBot (it is still running in background because it sits in my notification tray) and the run AndroidVNC.
I try to connect using the following settings:
The Password box is empty and I don't check the Keep box.
Port: 5900
Colour Format: 64 colours
Local Mouse Pointer: unchecked
Force full-screen bitmap: unchecked
Repeater: No repeater
After hitting the Connect button I get an Error box pop-up shows “VNC Connection failed!”
Has anyone managed to get this working ?
Please advise....
I have an Ubuntu server which I logon remotely from an Ubuntu laptop using a public key SSH pipe. I start up x11vnc from the terminal session (I don't want to run the vnc server as a deamon for security reasons) forwarding the ports and firing up remmina as my vnc client. All works well.
What I want to do is achieve this on my HTC Desire.
My process so far :
I connect to my remote server through a ConnectBot session using public keys.
I use the 'Port Forwards' dialogue within ConnectBot as follows:
Nickname: vnc
Type: Local
Source Port: 5900
Destination: (note: this example is framed within my home network)
I then fire up my x11vnc server using the following command in the ConnectBot terminal:
'x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -noxfixes -auth ~/x11auth -display :0'
x11vnc starts as normal, with no errors.
I then hit the home key to switch out of ConnectBot (it is still running in background because it sits in my notification tray) and the run AndroidVNC.
I try to connect using the following settings:
The Password box is empty and I don't check the Keep box.
Port: 5900
Colour Format: 64 colours
Local Mouse Pointer: unchecked
Force full-screen bitmap: unchecked
Repeater: No repeater
After hitting the Connect button I get an Error box pop-up shows “VNC Connection failed!”
Has anyone managed to get this working ?
Please advise....