Compare Everywhere Missing from Droid Market


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Toms River, NJ
I cannot find Compare Everywhere in the Droid Market. I helped a co-worker install the application on his T-Mobile G1 last Spring but I'm assuming it's not available (yet) on the new Droid?

I've tried ShopSavvy but was disappointed.. after scanning a book on my desk it displayed only two retail stores that offered it- both of which were over 30 miles from my location- and I'm in the heart of Boston, MA.. I know for a fact at least 20 stores in the city carry it. When scanning the book on my co-worker's G1, at least 10 results come up within my general area.

Has there been any word on when CE will be available?

I can't find it either. I emailed the author to see if he might know anything about it, but I would love to be able to download this!
I cannot find it as well. I tried the market and scanning the barcode on that website and still no luck.
If you go to the official Market website where it shows off several apps, it shows Compare Everywhere. Then when you click on the authors name (to go to their website) it takes you to which is now gone it looks like... maybe the guy decided hell with it, he's done??
Well I heard an update was available for ShopSavvy but did not see it available when I went to the Market. So, I uninstalled it and reinstalled it.. Much better results scanning products in my home. I'm getting a result of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for $29.82 at Walmart- be back in a bit! :p