CM9 or AOKP?


Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
So i was wondering what rom i should get between these two. I dont really know much about the two, mostly because im new to rooting and roms. I like that they are both very customizable and popular, so i assumed that they would get updated alot and that they would'nt brick my phone and they would work well. Suggestions?
AOKP M4 is quite an amazing ROM. Day 2, bug free and plenty of custom user options! Using the latest Glados kernel with this also.
I'll be using this until a fully stable and completed CM9 is available... if it wins me over.
Actually, my vote goes to Liquid. Fully featured and as [insert noun]. Getting amazing battery life with Imos 2.5 kernel. Been totally stable for the last 5 releases.

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Aokp m4 when I talked on phone no one could hear me. Tons of customizations. Liquid I kept getting random reboots. Just as good as aokp. Im on Cm9 3/14 nightly now no issues. But they haven't added a lot of features yet.

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Fail! Take out the "and." That's what I meant.

Fully featured as tree? Fully featured as warthog?

lol.... It's ok, I'm pretty sure that you were trying to say something positive ; )
I went from AOKP to Crossbreed, I like Crossbreed a little more but both are amazing
Fully featured as tree? Fully featured as warthog?

lol.... It's ok, I'm pretty sure that you were trying to say something positive ; )

Actually just trying to keep it family friendly! Yeah, I should put a leash on my humor sometimes....
Crossbreed I'd what I'm on and it's solid

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+1 on crossbreed. Its aokp I with a twist........A bad a$$ twist! Cynogen worked great for me, but I stayed on crossbreed and never looked back.

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