Clean Rom by "ScottsRoms" is one of the most popular roms for the Nexus 7 with nearly a million views on XDA. This rom is widely popular across devices because it allows you to run stock AOSP without all of the extra features that most people just don't need. Scott always includes performance and battery optimizations to his roms. The Clean Rom is finally available for the Google Motorola Nexus 6. This is a beta release. It is based on Android 5.0.1, it already has Gapps installed so you won't have to worry about installing a separate Gapps package, it has SuperSU preinstalled, this has been Google debloated (of course anything removed can be reinstalled from the Play Store), FS Trim on Install and reboot, Free tether for AT&T enabled, init.d support added, nova launcher is the default launcher, and other enhancements. Of course you will need to be bootloader unlocked with twrp installed. Head to the link below for the download.